Un homme porte un masque de style Kwak'waka'wakw au milieu de Times Square à New York.
© Rande Cook, Look Mom I've Arrived, 2012
Impression jet d’encre de photos d’archives, 20,32 × 55,88 cm (28 × 22 pouces)

Rande Cook is a Kwakwaka'wakw artist who was born in Alert Bay and currently lives and works in Victoria. Although he was raised on the strong teachings of his grandparents, Gus and Florence Matilpi, the artist often finds himself lost in the study of ancient Kwakwaka'wakw exposés dans des musées aux quatre coins du monde. C’est là qu’il souhaite repousser les frontières par la compréhension des anciens principes fondamentaux de la forme. 

Dans Look Ma, I’ve Arrived, Cook wears a Kwakwaka'wakw-style portrait mask that he carved. He is shown walking the streets of New York’s Times Square. Although the mask hides his face, it reveals his Indigenous identity. The image successfully captures the strength of the artist’s roots, and the spirits of his ancestors, as Cook faces the world of capitalism and colonialism with courage and conviction. The work s’inscrit dans la série en cours de l’artiste, TRAVEL-A-Lot-I-C , dans laquelle il documente les identités autochtones complexes dans l’environnement urbain.